Acculevel is Taking Steps to Protect Customers and Employees During the Current Pandemic.

Last updated Dec 1, 2020
Acculevel is a family-owned company that is an active part of our community. We are aware of the escalating number of coronavirus (COVID-19) cases and we are following the CDC’s recommendations for prevention. As winter takes hold, this virus will make the typical cold and flu season exponentially worse.
While there is no vaccine available to the public yet, most people have mild illness and are able to recover at home without medical care. If you are ill but are not sick enough to be hospitalized, please follow CDC guidance on how to reduce the risk of spreading your illness to others. If you have any health conditions that increase your health risk and you develop symptoms of COVID-19, please contact your doctor for advice.
A Different Type of Symptom Checker
Generally, this blog encourages you to refer to the free online tool we provide, to evaluate your home’s symptoms. But In an effort to further serve customers and reassure our community, we have provided a different kind of symptom check. This link will take you to the interactive tool developed by the CDC to help determine if/when you should seek treatment or testing.
What We’re Doing
At this point, we are equipping all staff and crew members with hand sanitizer (that contains at least 60% alcohol) and face masks. We have also instructed them to NOT shake hands with customers, and observe the recommended 6 feet away from customers. We are also developing methods for conducting home estimates without any face-to-face contact. Please do not hesitate to ask for additional information; our goal is to continue serve our customers while minimizing any chance of exposure or health risk.
We will continue to monitor information provided by the CDC and will update our health practices as needed.
If Indiana Once Again Issues Restrictions
As the COVID-19 outbreak worsens, states are debating if travel restrictions or another stay home order may be necessary. We are concerned for the safety and well-being of both our customers and employees, and urge everyone to comply to the best of their abilities.
That being said, Acculevel is a repair company, and our services are part of the critical trades. Having a safe and healthy home is an essential part of your personal health, and we remain committed to serving customers during this difficult time. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a need for repairs; our employees continue to take all preventative measures that are known to be effective and recommended by health care officials.
A bit of unsolicited advice and a heartfelt message, from our family to yours: make certain you are getting your information from an informed, reliable source. You will note that our information is gathered directly from the Center for Disease Control. We strongly urge you to rely on this or a similarly well-educated and apolitical news source.
Now is the time for unity and community- please protect yourself, your loved ones, and look for ways you can help those who are most in need. As Teddy Roosevelt recommended, “do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”