Midwest basements present special challenges to your home’s foundation, basement, and crawl space areas. The combination of moisture and weather can seriously damage your home and lead to expensive fixes in the future. Your home is only as stable as the foundation it sits on, and foundation can be vulnerable to changing soil conditions caused by rainfall, drought, or uneven weight distribution—and this will hurt your home in the long run. This is why it’s important to get foundation repair when you start to notice problems in your home’s foundation. Your foundation experts at Acculevel can perform any of these services for your home.

Basement Services

Basements can get damp, and keeping them dry isn’t easy. Acculevel can diagnose and solve basement problems related to water intrusion, biological growth, and bowed or leaning walls. These are some common problems your basement can face:
    • Leaks or flooding
    • Sinking foundation
  • Bowing or leaning basement walls
  • Other structural damage
  • Mold and mildew growth
  • Pests
  • Wood rot

Basement Solutions

Acculevel can provide these solutions for common basement issues:
  • Water tunneling
  • A sump pump system
  • Mold killing and sealing
  • Carbon fiber straps
  • I-beam and jack systems
  • Tie backs
  • Wall anchors
  • WhiteCap basement liner and vapor barrier

Sump Pump Options

Whatever your basement waterproofing solution is, it’s incomplete without a sump pump system. A dependable, flexible, battery-operated secondary pump in your sump liner is important to have in case of a mechanical or power failure. All Acculevel waterproofing systems drain into a top-of-the-line sump pump system. An A/C Backup is a powerful residential sump pump with ½ horsepower that can redirect 4,200 gallons per hour, an airtight seal to trap bugs, odors, and radon gas, and a perforated liner to drain water from beneath your basement floor. It also comes standard with a high water alarm. A D/C Backup comes with the same features as the A/C Backup with an additional backup pump that can move 3,300 gallons per hour and a battery and alarm to let you know how your backup battery is functioning. A Heavy Duty pump is a dual pump system that’s always online and provides all of the benefits of the D/C backup system and a secondary ½ horsepower sump pump backup. For a complete basement protection system that uses smart home technology, we also offer Advanced Text Alarms that give you peace of mind and notifications even when the power is out.

Crawl Space Services

Crawl spaces are also susceptible to moisture problems, and many other issues in your home can be linked back to crawl space issues. Look for these issues that might indicate a crawl space problem that requires such services as:
  • Leaks or flooding
  • Structural damage
  • Mold and mildew growth
  • Pests
  • Wood rot
  • Sagging floors

Crawl Space Solutions

Crawl space issues can be similar to basement issues and have a lot of the same solutions. A service provider can give you these options:
  • Water tunneling
  • Geo channeling
  • A sump pump system
  • Mold killing and sealing
  • WhiteCap basement liner and vapor barrier
  • Helical piers
  • Metal beams and support jacks
  • Repairing and providing joist support

Foundation Services

Your foundation can suffer from changing soil conditions or improperly compressed soil, age, and structural damage, among other issues. These are foundation problems that could arise as your soil conditions change and your home shifts:
  • Bowed, leaning, or rotating basement walls
  • Cracked walls
  • Floors with excessive bounce
  • Sagging floors
  • Leaning chimney
  • Uneven or cracked concrete slabs

Foundation Solutions

Foundation issues can lead to structural problems in your basement and the rest of your home. An Indiana foundation repair expert can help avoid those issues with a variety of solutions that are minimally invasive, highly effective, and can improve underlying issues with soil quality rather than merely treating the symptoms.
  • Carbon fiber straps
  • Tie backs
  • Wall anchors
  • I-beam and jack systems
  • Helical piers
  • Slabjacking

Your Foundation Experts

Foundation problems can cause issues in your basement and home and decrease your home’s value over time. It’s worth the peace of mind to invest in repairing your foundation, and Acculevel is your Indiana foundation repair expert. Watch what we do and how we do it in our video library, or contact us today to get a free home inspection and basement reconditioning or waterproofing estimate.

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