

Have uneven, cracked or eroded concrete on your home’s foundation, garage, driveway, sidewalk or patio? Our concrete leveling and repair services can help.

Common Problems

Concrete slabs around the home often shift or begin to crack. This is normally caused by slab settlement: when concrete moves because the soil below can no longer support the weight of it.

What causes uneven concrete around the home?

Uneven or cracked concrete around the home usually means that the soil beneath it has shifted and that it can no longer support the weight above it. This is most often caused by erosion or changes in the soil composition due to excess moisture.

cracked concrete

Slab Home Foundations

When a slab foundation settles, it creates sloping, cracking, or uneven floors.

cracked driveway

Garages & Driveways

If your driveway settles, cracks can form, which become trip hazards.

Depending on how the driveway or garage sinks, it could also collect water and drain it towards your home. This creates water intrusion issues and foundation damage.

sidewalk closed sign

Sidewalks & Patios

Like a driveway, sidewalks and patios can crack when the slab settles.

Due to the proximity to the house, it’s very likely patios and walkways are going to drain poorly - and towards your foundation.

How do I Fix It?

Acculevel uses a concrete leveling method called slabjacking. Slabjacking is a minimally invasive process that can lift or level concrete slabs back into place without tearing up the area around it.

Lift concrete to original position with slabjacking

Slabjacking is a process where discreet holes are drilled through a sunken concrete slab so that stabilizing foam material can be injected underneath. The stabilizing foam is environmentally safe and lifts concrete back into its original position by filling the voids caused by erosion. Once the slab is level, the injection holes are patched. The result is a long-lasting, refined finish that can be used almost immediately.

Sales Director Nolan Beery explains how the slabjacking process works.

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